Reloading Data

WARNING: All technical data in this publication, especially for handloading, reflect the limited experience of individuals using specific tools, products, equipment and components under specific conditions and circumstances not necessarily reported in the article and over which Bullet Corp (pty) Ltd has no control. The data has not otherwise been tested or verified by Bullet Corp (pty) Ltd. Bullet Corp (pty) Ltd, its agents, officers and employees accept no responsibility for the results obtained by persons using such data and disclaim all liability for any consequential injuries or damages.

Reloading with Bullet Corp coated bullets should be done using quality reloading equipment with data obtained from a reloading manual. Use loading data that is normally used for your particular bullet and application. We do NOT provide ammunition loading data.

Guide to reloading Bullet Corp Bullets click HERE

How should I load polymer coated bullets?

  • Work up loads based on data for hard cast lead or plated bullets of the same weight.
  • Always guage or test chamber your cartridges to ensure proper C.O.L. Some of our bullets are shorter than typical lead or plated bullets, and use a shorter C.O.L as a result.
  • Use of 'Factory Crimp' dies is discouraged, but careful testing can yield successful results.
  • A light taper crimp is the preferred method for crimping, if the body or base of the bullet is squished by too much crimping the result may be poor accuracy and/or keyhole issues or gas cutting.
  • Always use the correct expanding die to expand the case and mouth of the case before seating a cast bullet. This will prevent shaving the bullet which will ruin accuracy and swaging the base to prevent gas cutting which could lead to severe leading.
  • Bullet Corps Powder Thru Expander Plugs available HERE


  • Unlike regular hard cast lead bullets, fast burning powders such as Titegroup,S121,MS200 will work exceptionally well with Bullet Corp Coated bullets.
  • As always, start light and work up to more powerful loads.

A method for measuring the maximum overall length of cartridge for your barrel.

1. Remove your barrel.
2. Measure the length of the bullet
3. Drop the bullet in the chamber and using a vernier caliper measure from the base of the bullet to where the case would sit flush in the chamber.
4. Add the measurements from 2 & 3.
This will give you the maximum length of cartridge for that gun. You have to back off a few thousandths from that length to give some leeway for press variations and variations in bullet length. Assemble a dummy cartridge and make sure the cartridge will load in your magazines. Load the dummy round in your magazine and test for function by cycling the round through the gun.​

Some powders that are available in South Africa.

Search for data that uses Cast Lead (CL) or Plated bullets on the powder manufacturer's website.

Somchem Powders 

Hodgdon Powders

IMR Powders


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